The Place Called There

I came across a written desire

So bold, I couldn’t help looking

Startled at first, I took a second look

Then I saw it clearly, or so I thought


“Oh God I desire to be successful

I want to be rich and influential

I want to be great and famous

But most of all, Lord take me ‘THERE’”


“Where is ‘THERE’?”, I unconsciously asked

If a man prefers ‘THERE’ to wealth and influence

Trading greatness for this vaguely expressed place

“Hmm!”I thought, “What pleasure it must hold!”


‘THERE’ is a place that bequeaths* joy

Where pools bath in waters of fulfillment

The sky of quest clouds the gloomy reign of torpor*

Which spins the wheels of desire into monotony

‘THERE’ is a place where dogs of hard work eat bones of success in peace

Where one man’s concept is nightmarish to would-be rivals

‘THERE’ is an end that depicts a bloom anew

Where the carpenter finds solace in veneer

The smith in his crude metal ore

And the archer in his sharp pointed arrows


It’s destiny’s place

Where our expressions are unleashed unfeigned

‘Cause our rivals are but one concept over another

Holy Writ calls it the expected end


This was the reply laid in my heart

I had beheld unspoken truth with my mind’s eye

Was this truly my desire? Was this me?

Yes! The true me. Not flesh or blood, the God-image me


Written upon the thought table of any man

Is this yearning desire, it’s his heart’s earnest plea

His soul’s eternal longing

That one day, his ‘HERE’ will be the place he once called ‘THERE’


Jeremiah 29:11 “I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for.” (GNT)

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