Remember the Forgotten

Forgotten are the days

When we toiled till dark

Our heads below our waistline

Feet astride58 mounds of soil


Forgotten are the years

When we formed cliques, in uniforms

Our desire; to learn what we ought

So we could pass the test


Forgotten are the days

When we attended extra classes

Seeking help in all nooks

For a foundation, we sought to build


Forgotten are the years

When we fought with zeal, in queues

For admission, gotten by grace

Into realms59 of higher learning


Forgotten also will be this season

Its toil will surely pass

And the time comes

When now will be referenced from ahead

All you are, sourced from the past

Whatever you’ll be will source from now

If your hand finds anything right to do

Right now, in your entirety, do it!


Psalms 77:10 “And I say, This [apparent desertion of Israel by God] is my appointed lot andtrial, but I will recall the years of the right hand of the Most High [in loving-kindness extended toward us], for this is my grief, that the right hand of the Most High changes.” (AMPC)

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