#1 – (IM)PROVE

#1 – (IM)PROVE Mindset determines a lot, it influences what you see, hear and think. Most times I watch you in my mind’s eye struggling to be happy when you don’t have to struggle. You live with a constant need to prove yourself rather than improve yourself. Proving yourself means you have an audience you want to impress, it means you have a confidence you want to win, it means you have a self-esteem you want to boost, it means […]

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Better than Life

  Oh! Lord, when sin I behold The past, which now is unseen Rebirths in the womb of now As thistles*, by a landowner, not sown   The gift of grace though sufficient Sin in its stride is unrelenting* On the deeds of now, the future hoisted* What hope for the sons that are saved?   In your love not unabashed* In your dealings, stainless and pure Fill us with reverence for the Father Who out of love, sent us […]

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    Far off from home Emissary* to a foreign land A duty to perform Integrity to uphold   Unnumbered foes seek to enfeeble* you Compromise draped* as urgent commission But your faith shall embolden* you And your laid foundation be unshaken   Scripture as crystal, spoken Shall unfailingly return, not void For the respecter of no man Ahead of you is gone   We’ll dearly miss your fellowship But if we’ll hear dulcet* tones of your report Then we […]

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THE GREEN TREES Leaves are shed to make room for more Beyond the norm and what the eye sees It just might look like a simple open door But through it many have found a new lease What started like a flirting idea that might bore Has become nectar attracting colonies of bees Today, it sings as lyrics, tomorrow it will be law Yet it disguises like what one would look upon and hiss From deep within you have rummaged […]

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Timeless One

The persons we are Foetuses* were before The patched soil we tread Was once a swamp to wade* The men who now are Time before now were boys The grey hairs we see Were once black The harvest so plentiful Was once a field to cultivate And the twilight now Was aforetime dawn   So much change, change and change yet to come   But there is one who changes all Yet changes not Who of time and eternity no […]

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Life’s Rhythm

Life is a function of time Though for it we pay not a dime While others in it find grime* We by grace find a rhyme   Acknowledge this rhyme today Know that His grace has come to stay Given that He chose this day And ordained our stay   Moving from height to height Trust not in your strength For though ahead is the light The end is not yet in sight. Prov. 3:5-6 5 Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with […]

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My Desire

  Wishes are that I be near Near enough to God to hear His yoke I desire to bear So that when ‘am in fear Being neither here nor there He as He assures, will care Making dry my rolling tear Making worthwhile the days that make my year Wiping from me, the sin that has me in its smear I desire to be near Near enough to God to hear “Well-done my son so Matt. 11:29,30 29 Take my yoke […]

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  The principles of man Run no better than a man in mud The thoughts of man Make him no better than they are And his imaginations Make him soar* heights He may in existence never reach   The principles of God Have no unit of measure Against His thoughts Not even His enemies find justifiable fault His imaginations The universe too minute to withhold   He is a blended sort of indescribable worth That He was, is and ever […]

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