My Jesus

Who was a king and yet a child?

Who in a mortal’s womb tarried

And born at birth a little lad?

My Jesus


Who lived and grew at sturdy pace?

Filled with the Father’s love and grace

Who for my sake, this world did grace?

My Jesus


When men picked stones to cast at me

Who stooped to write a law for me

And while in sin did set me free?

My Jesus


When scars of evil hunt me sore

Who does accommodate my fall

And keeps me from the devil’s lure?

My Jesus


When misery sets a barricade

Who saw ahead and came to aid

And bids me well through life’s arcade*?

My Jesus



When many times my faith did fail

And all I could do was to wail

Who was that bore my frame so frail?

My Jesus


Who can conquer all that I dread?

Who can fill my hunger with bread?

And assure that He for me bled?

My Jesus


’Who’s gone ahead to make a room

Promising to come back as groom

And save me from eternal doom?

My Jesus!



John 1:14 “The Word became a human being and, full of grace and truth, lived among us. We saw his glory, the glory which he received as the Father’s only Son.” (GNT)

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