#1 – (IM)PROVE

#1 – (IM)PROVE

Mindset determines a lot, it influences what you see, hear and think.

Most times I watch you in my mind’s eye struggling to be happy when you don’t have to struggle.

You live with a constant need to prove yourself rather than improve yourself.

Proving yourself means you have an audience you want to impress, it means you have a confidence you want to win, it means you have a self-esteem you want to boost, it means you have a void you want to fill. It requires energy that may not be appreciated and efforts that may otherwise rot.

*Improving yourself doesn’t mean you are not good enough,* it means you want to get better, it means you want to appreciate God for the much he has put in you, it means you are willing to use all the resources at your disposal , it means you want to be the best you can. Improving yourself may seem like you are your own audience but soon enough anyone who has eyes would see, even without any effort that you are more than you once were.

The constant desire to prove oneself normally stands against the sincere desire to improve. Proving oneself has to do with *doing* things. Improving oneself has a lot to do with *learning and being* things.

It is easy for someone else to outdo you because doing runs on the rails of competition, it is however not so defined for another to out-be you when you are yourself.

Proving oneself causes unrest, undue comparison, and unhealthy relationships you care more about what’s others say than how you feel and how God sees you.

Improving oneself says a lot about how you value yourself, God’s deposit in you and subsequently, the value you place on the people that you relate to or the ones that encounter you

We are a team, not a competition. If  I make money and you manage it… We have managed our money well.

Stop looking for ways to do what I am already doing, seek ways to do what you ought to do.

Stop trying to prove yourself to me, get busy improving yourself…that’s what merits Appreciation.

We are married… That should mean alot. Let other people prove themselves to us not we to ourselves!

When you try to prove yourself to me, you fight against your self and raise a lot of dust that would find a reason to settle elsewhere.

We are not a competition. You are me and i am you. Remember, we are married… That’s all the proof we need… biblically put… WE ARE ONE!


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