For Remembrance



The deeds that are done

Will in time be forgotten

The memories of a past would read as none

So say some


The glory of the now will fade

As mist in the sun’s shine

Glossy though, the picture at present looks

When ‘now’ turns ‘then’ its wear will show


The past casts a shadow

No glare can overshadow

In it the present sees its future

Otherwise maybe its futility


“It’s forgotten, it’s nothing”

Some say and all lie

Why pictures if it’s forgotten?

Why epitaphs* if it’s nothing?


If anything makes sense

If any event causes memorable change

Like Jacob at Bethel

Mark it for remembrance                       ~

The deeds that are done

Will never be forgotten

The memories of a past will linger*

Only if something’s done!


Malachi 3:16 16 Then those who feared the Lord spoke with each other, and the Lord listened to what they said. In his presence, a scroll of remembrance was written to record the names of those who feared him and always thought about the honor of his name.”(NLT)

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