


Far off from home

Emissary* to a foreign land

A duty to perform

Integrity to uphold


Unnumbered foes seek to enfeeble* you

Compromise draped* as urgent commission

But your faith shall embolden* you

And your laid foundation be unshaken


Scripture as crystal, spoken

Shall unfailingly return, not void

For the respecter of no man

Ahead of you is gone


We’ll dearly miss your fellowship

But if we’ll hear dulcet* tones of your report

Then we pray thee

Honour God. Be His ambassador


2 Cor. 5:20 “We are ambassadors therefore for Christ, God as [it were] beseeching by us, we entreat for Christ, Be reconciled to God.” (DARBY)




  • Legbo Precious

    I like the title. Emissary is encompassing, great job

    • lifestamps

      Wrote that on a particular send forth for some brethren way back in school but in truth, we all are emissaries. Thanks for reading up


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