Better than Life


Oh! Lord, when sin I behold

The past, which now is unseen

Rebirths in the womb of now

As thistles*, by a landowner, not sown


The gift of grace though sufficient

Sin in its stride is unrelenting*

On the deeds of now, the future hoisted*

What hope for the sons that are saved?


In your love not unabashed*

In your dealings, stainless and pure

Fill us with reverence for the Father

Who out of love, sent us Love


Teach us with hearts in wholeness

To regard sin with resolute* contempt

With lifeline passion to esteem righteousness

And understand beyond confusion

That better than life is your love.


Psalm 63:3-4 Because Your loving-kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise You.So will I bless You while I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name.” (AMPC)


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