Atop Golgotha for You


Through the winding path, unto Golgotha

Trod children, men, mothers, babes also

In their midst was a man

Upon Him was a wooden cross


Whips struck as they were forced

Nowhere else but upon His back

Mockery was made unanimously

Verbal assault on this undeserving One


Golgotha reached, the cross was raised

Other crosses also were raised

Upon the crosses were hung men

Two justly, the other faultless


The faultless one was struck and His blood drawn

His robe of purple, gambled away

Barely clad and a plaid* of thorns atop His head

Thirsted and was offered vinegar


Then came the hour

He lifted His voice and bowed His head

Death for a season had claimed another body

But His dying was death’s undoing

This faultless One lived

Then took the shame

The ultimate price of dying on a cross

He paid for you alone


Isaiah 53:5 But because of our sins he was wounded, beaten because of the evil we did.We are healed by the punishment he suffered, made whole by the blows he received.”(GNT)

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