When our Lord says to be sober

Only sickness and its like remind us

When He says to rejoice

We define the world’s standard


We mount the altar with our words

And cry aloud in selfish tones

Forgetting the blood that founded faith

And the souls that paid the price


Our very acts stir Sodom in her grave

Causes Gomorrah to sigh in disgust

Yet we speak the tongues of saints

And bear the emblem of holiness


We have beaten the devil

To the game that cost him his name

The fame we long to claim

Is the same that brought him shame


Our God is merciful

Full of compassion, mercy and patience

Else, of the Noah’s of today we would be

Feet upon feet below their floating arks!


Lam 3:22The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end;” (ESV)

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