If you desire to be like Solomon,

Wisdom is your limit.

If you desire to be like Samson,

Strength is your limit.

If you desire to be like Noah,

Obedience is your limit.

If you desire to be like David,

Bravery is your limit.

If you desire to be like Job,

Patience is your limit.

If you desire to be like Abraham or Samuel,

Faithfulness is your limit.

If you desire to be any man except the God-man,

Then there shall always exist limits

Howbeit, if you desire to be He who is both,

Lamb and Lion

Advocate and Judge

Son of God and Son of man

Then the word of God is your only limit.


Phil 2:5-6 “Your attitude should be the kind that was shown us by Jesus Christ,  who, though he was God, did not demand and cling to his rights as God” (TLB)


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