Many times we struggle unopposed

Life is full of struggles and

As we live, struggles are inevitable*

We want to overcome

Yet we are wont to give up

We want to succeed

But we still bargain with failure

We get to cross roads

Speculating*, weighing facts and figures

But the fact is this-

Fears that veil the truth

          Thoughts that cloud our vision

          Actions that negate our hope

          Doctrines that disable faith

          And lies that maim* aspirations

All these burdens are best given up

Christ says, to lay our burdens at His feet

He means, it is time to give up that faithful fear

And start living in fearless faith

Give up those burdens now

The Master has need of them!


1Pet5:7 “casting all your worries on him, because he cares for you.” (WEB)

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