As a Christian

Fate* found you not

But God did find you


Amongst fellow brethren

You have seen hedges broken

And snakes on their way in

But you have faced the runway


Discussions have risen

And fables have overridden truth

But instead of giving strong rebuke28

You have faced the runway


Scriptures are fused into secular gist

In seeming proof of selfish points

And buffer* the lies that are told

You see this and face the runway


To justify unholy acts

Men quote unwritten Scripture

Founded on flawless* English

Your conscience cries out

But you hush* it and face the runway ~


The Christians you refuse

To rebuke today

May learn tomorrow

And also face the runway


Righteous rebuke is expected of you

That when you are on a wrong path

You may also be righteously rebuked


The Christian you fail to rebuke today

May be the one you will see in hell tomorrow

The runway is definitely the wrong way

Face the right way and rebuke!

Prov 3:11-12My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord;neither be weary of his correction: for whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth. (AKJV)


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