It is written by God

And no guile* in Him is found

But the things written about me

Happen not to me

Should I seek again?


People give testimonies

Fresh as the morning

while I sit murmuring

Alone in wandering

Should I seek again?


Many seem to have gone

While I look undone

They look commissioned

And I seem to lack mission

Should I seek again?


Others stand in authority

Dividing the word of truth

I read the word

And inspirations run dry

Should I seek again?


Gifts I see manifested

Talents and skills exhibited

But a benchwarmer I seem to be

A spectator, not even a fan

Should I seek again?


Sowing was in vogue*

Reaping is now in season

Sowing I did

Harvest I see not

Should I seek again?


In tongues they all speak

Baptized in the spirit they indeed are

But limited to my language I am

Yet it is for all who believe

Should I seek again?


No guile in Him I know

For what He says He means

Seek and ye shall find…

For the child of Jacob never seeks

The God of Jacob in vain!


Matt 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (BSB)

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