When trials and troubles abate* not

When sadness overwhelms* you

When unbelievers intimidate you

And sorrow no respite knows


When sun rays grow cold

Moon streaks* cast no shadows

Dusk and dawn differ not

And the morrow, you expect no better


When in fear you live

In failure you yet fail

When in men, no consolation

And God too far seems


When all these seem true

In the God that seems too far



Lie with your burdens at His feet

Until you receive grace

And when you do rise

Rise not with those burdens


Whatever your tale might be

Distance between your troubles and their solution

Is a heartfelt prayer, prayer to God

So bend your knees, bridge the distance.


Psalms 55:22Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.” (NIV)

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