It’s the beginning of another year
Despite all, I am still here

I count all my fails the year before
I can’t say I was cool, I am sore

The desire then was so strong
How then did things go wrong?

I have wit and grit, I show zeal
Yet I didn’t have enough to deal

This year is new and yes, I feel same
Though unchanged, i still bear my name

I can’t wallow in this thick mud
And stay above being flawed

If I need to get results that are better
I’ll have to get going and be a getter

Not just to write, plan and say
I have to read, project and pray

It’s the beginning and I’ve to be resolute
So when it ends, I will be nothing short of absolute



Phil 4:13

…for I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power.” (TLB)


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