Born as a plain slate All writings are ours to do The path we tread alone Is the one we choose to   Who sees a man to succeed That deems it fit to slumber, To lie in indolence before duty And expects him to rise aloft?   None, called and skilled Lives to transcend heights When he leaves the clear path Choosing to run in the mud   It hits a straight point That he that’s given all to […]

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  His ways and yours differ His thoughts and yours cross not He is God,  and you man He is the maker and you the made Rich Abram thought slaves Were to be his next-of-kin But God said See if you can count the stars For so shall your descendants be Things may look blurred* and hazy Progress may seem to have halted And conditions get no better But see if you can count the stars For much more is […]

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Many times we struggle unopposed Life is full of struggles and As we live, struggles are inevitable* We want to overcome Yet we are wont to give up We want to succeed But we still bargain with failure We get to cross roads Speculating*, weighing facts and figures But the fact is this- Fears that veil the truth           Thoughts that cloud our vision           Actions that negate our hope           Doctrines that disable faith   […]

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  When our Lord says to be sober Only sickness and its like remind us When He says to rejoice We define the world’s standard   We mount the altar with our words And cry aloud in selfish tones Forgetting the blood that founded faith And the souls that paid the price   Our very acts stir Sodom in her grave Causes Gomorrah to sigh in disgust Yet we speak the tongues of saints And bear the emblem of holiness […]

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BIRTHRIGHT Not even a fainting soul Was an excuse for Esau’s folly* The earnest desire for a child Did not justify the Abraham-Hagar relationship Moses’ just anger Did not deter his return For a second command set   For any sin or act of sin There exists no justification God wants us to be holy Our birthright lies in our salvation And no reason is enough To sell or even misuse it   Give no place to the devil Give […]

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ANGER Beheld as one of the dangerous emotions of man The cause of many a sorrow Anger bottled up is more to be feared Than an African black mamba   Uncorked, it can be likened to the Ever-present venom of the cobra Many seeming undesired and impossible dreams It accomplishes in moments   Anger like death and hades is never satisfied It habituates* in the bosom of ardent fools Possessed by the devil In the form of an angry lion […]

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  UNTO MATURITY   If you desire to be like Solomon, Wisdom is your limit. If you desire to be like Samson, Strength is your limit. If you desire to be like Noah, Obedience is your limit. If you desire to be like David, Bravery is your limit. If you desire to be like Job, Patience is your limit. If you desire to be like Abraham or Samuel, Faithfulness is your limit. If you desire to be any man except […]

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SICKNESS   Life is full of struggles Some pleasant some unpleasant   But when it boils down to illness I am slain in wondering thoughts   How a man healthy this minute Is bedridden* the next   Agile* in all activities before Can hardly stand his height now   One who was a father to all Is now a child to many   Who having an insatiable appetite Can barely part his lips to eat   Yet in my wondering […]

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A man is not one who is well built Readily owns up to responsibility Faces problems squarely Walks against not along his difficulties Or even handles matters maturely   Rewarding attributes these seem Yet they intersect at a common point- Vanity When you see one determined to serve God Against all odds, till death then, you have seen a man.   Phil 3:3. “ for we [who are born-again have been reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, set apart for His purpose […]

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