Nobody is his enemy

No place is uncomfortable

All situations are to be adapted to


His beliefs and doubts spell same

Ever so quick to smile

Yet feigns anger at will


His words need no thought backings

His thoughts have dual word backups

His swift suggestions fit the present need


Some say he is gentle, others loud

To him, all are complements

His description is indifferent


He ‘knows’ himself

Yet lies to some

With facts only he can prove


He is never himself on Sundays

He is as variant as the days

As colourfully deceptive as a chameleon


But a day comes

When the chameleon suddenly realizes

That when the bush is on fire

It isn’t time to change colour!


Rom 12:9 “Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. (NLT)

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