Male and female made He them

Of male He formed, female He fashioned

Strength unto male, beauty unto female

To the one He called stronger, the other weaker


Leader He called one, the other the led

The head He chose, the assistant He assigned

What lacked one, lacked not the other

To this end made He them to be one


Fearfully and wonderfully, made He them

Spiritual gifts gave not He to one more than the other

For them both, sent He His son to die

For equally did He love them


Servest thou Him according to thy gender?

Seekest thou spiritual matters gender-wise?

Limitest thou thyself to your gender?

Or dependest thou upon the other to attain?


Know ye not that ye all are sons?

That salvation is by faith not strength or else

That one life have both male and female?

That no respecter of person is He?     ~


If thou seekest God

Seek within the boundary of His providence

Seek not with reference to physical limits

For where flesh treadest not, Spirit soars


In enmity shall thou be with God

If thy mind is carnal not spiritual

Our infirmities we know well

But the Spirit’s help is undeniably sure


In our weakness, He is strength

In our poverty, He is wealth

In our windings, He is straight

In our ignorance, He is omniscient*


Know God the way His Spirit helps

For on that Day, before Him we all shall stand

Male and female, no difference will be known

For ‘tis the soul that’ll be judged

And the soul has no gender.


Gal 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” (WEB)

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