She looks simple, calm and harmless

It’s so easy for you to think of her less

In the midst of any kind of mess

Yugo would always pass as blameless


Come a little closer and you sense wit

Voice is unassuming yet principles are strict

When you think she should stand, she’ll sit

Nothing moves her, not even the worst misfit


She’s dependable, able and unpredictable

Unbendable like a high tension cable

And when it’s time to fret, she’s always stable

Her life’s journey is just one long fable


She has beauty and flair that sells hot

Both of which she considers not

And will rather they aren’t her lot

Except it mirrors the Christ she’s got


My friend is a treasure, to me and more

She’s been a great ally now and before.

And will rather make peace than go to war

We celebrate you dearly, knowing there’s more in store


One comment

  • Chisom Trinitas Ezekannagha

    Words are right and more. Sometimes you are indescribable. I celebrate you too.


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