Out of them all

He was first four

Out of first four

He was one best

His work was flawless*

And in all, exploits he did


But then he disobeyed King Darius

His right; only that of a captive

And he dared to disobey!

His position in the envy of others

And he dared to disobey!!

His life seemingly at the mercy of beasts

And he dared to disobey!!!

He knew the law was unchangeable

Yet he dared to disobey!!!!


Because he knew that if he pleased his God

It mattered not who else got displeased

He dared to disobey and heaven stood for him

You too can dare

…dare to be a ‘Daniel’


Acts 5:29 But Peter and the apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than any human authority.” (NLT)

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