
I am of age, mature and grown

I am me and myself I own

Truth be told, a lot I have sown

And I have become thick in the bone


I could wake and lie back to sleep

I can disturb the peace or seal my lip

I could drink it all or refuse to sip

In all I do, I stand up and take the deep


Then I met the messiah, the One and the First

And though I was drunk, I began to thirst

From the tale of my past, I became the best

All I claimed to have I lost in my quest


He worked me in, he worked me out

Was headed for North, he made me go South

He gave me faith and cleared all my doubt

He healed me whole, every sickness and bout


I am of age, mature and grown

I am me, not myself I own

Truth be told, a lot I disown

The song I now sing, I own not the tone

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