While the world tells tales

she earnestly makes sales

and tears bales upon bales

Doing much more than many males


When she decides your day to make

she would go the exra mile for your sake

and since It’s no surprise that she can bake

it’s always a delight to taste her cake


She will travel far to buy you a shoe

not minding who you are and what you do

anything asides the shoe, she delivers that too

and when she does, you’ll have no reason to rue


If it’s tight, she will improvise

if it’s in order, she will supervise

in all things, she knows her position and size

and plays Utility-lady without dice


She’s cute, gorgeous and never frail

She’s got style, poise and is ever hale

She’s chatty, calculating and intoxicates like ale

She may not always be head, but she’s never tail

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