FOR ‘BOMI Looked like a snub way back in school Silent in public like a press club tool The many times I tried to read you I ended up without a single clue As I tried to fit my figures with glue My facts got beaten black and blue Thus I sensed you had paid your due Cos this was a challenge born anew Years later a friend gave me a cue I got close and saw a different you […]

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FOR BEN   Then when i met Ben His calm was like balm i need to mention that… He was fine and still had shine   Many months have past And sir ben is still a blast Though his pen is pretty fast Yet his written works do last   He always has lots to say Yet he’s quiet that others may He rejoices in making a way That another might make hay   Now that i know Ben He […]

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FOR LADEE   While the world tells tales she earnestly makes sales and tears bales upon bales Doing much more than many males   When she decides your day to make she would go the exra mile for your sake and since It’s no surprise that she can bake it’s always a delight to taste her cake   She will travel far to buy you a shoe not minding who you are and what you do anything asides the shoe, […]

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CULTURE OF SILENCE   Speech is said to be silver Silence is akin to golden Words could make you a believer And staying mute could do ones bidding   To talk or be silent, which gives freedom? It’s easy to find, in many words, a lie Yet there are words of wisdom But when a fool is quiet, he is deemed wise   Most men are seen as silent dudes They could make a woman sheath her sword And tame […]

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THE MOODLE CHALLENGE It was way past noon and I had barely made it out of the gates of the polytechnic, as i negotiated to park by the curb, I got a call. I stepped out of the car and picked the call. It sounded so formal. “Charles, where are you?” the female voice asked “I am just outside the gate”, I retorted. “Please can you come to the boardroom now?” She asked. I quickly made a turn and headed […]

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EXPECTING To dust, shall this body of mine return The dust that composed it But to him that gave me breath My soul shall return   The quest then will be over When God and the dust claim their own The long wait will end And a longer stay will begin   Though many may wish But this stay will not end Be there a wishing or a wishing not Eternity shall come and nog go away!

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TEST OF LIFE   The testing of life is to make us stronger Experienced in our conduct Fearless in the face of confrontation And molded beyond casual alterations   What we go through is for the now We’ll see the strain ease out in the near future When we celebrate the victory And count not the pains of the present   For a while you will bear it as it is But your change will come soon And no one […]

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SUNSET When the rays are golden pale Signaling the end of the day When the shades of black close-in And the birds fly home to roost   When the joy fades from age And birth is a thing of long ago When no claim can be laid ahead As moth and rust have dined in full   When the world draws its curtain And heaven awaits its own When the sun is indeed about to set Stray men will know […]

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PERSIST   We get so discouraged sometimes Forgetting that we are but men Subject to life’s wiles And all the ills that nature could birth   Staying alive for a day is enough hard work Crowding the day with thoughts of worry Isn’t going to sort us into peaceful portions Rather we lose our ultimate focus   Our target might be far from sight But we must keep our aim guided Our hands steady and strong to throw The darts […]

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