SON: Good morning Lord

GOD: Good morning my dear child

SON:Lord, I am unhappy with you

GOD: Why my beloved child?

SON:You write it everywhere in your Word that you love me

GOD: Yes, I do and it is an infallible truth

SON:If truly you love me as much as you say, why am I faced with these many problems?

GOD: All men have challenges my child, such is the life on earth, it’s common to all men.

SON:Lord, academically I’m struggling. Financially I’m hustling. In fact I am not doing well at all.

GOD: Challenges shouldn’t bother you much. Your utmost concern should be how you face them

SON:Lord, to the best of my knowledge I’m trying

GOD: That is ok but you have to do better than that

SON:What else do I do Lord?

GOD: When you are done with your best, trust me to do the rest

SON:Lord, sometimes I have failed completely irrespective of my efforts

GOD: No, you didn’t. All things work together for your own good because you love me


GOD:Yes, you are getting stronger in faith by going through all these but most times you bear your cares alone

SON:How do you mean Lord?

GOD: You do not confide in me as much as you do in yourself and others

SON:That’s true lord, forgive my weakness

GOD: I already have and I give you this assurance that you are more than conquerors in all these things

SON:How is that possible sef?

GOD: Through the love of my Son, Jesus, you are already an overcomer even in the future.

SON:Wow! Thank you Lord but how do I ensure that I always remain an overcomer

GOD: You do not have to do much, just keep trusting me and always remember I am just a prayer away

SON:Thank you Lord

GOD: And never forget this: nothing will separate you from my love. I love you…infinitely

SON:Got it! Lord, You’re the best.