I heard about his skills so I looked him up and he said he would make it. We talked about prices and opined what the logistics would look like. Days later, having concluded arrangements he sent me pictures to validate his claim that his colleague would ably represent him. That was when I went into my worry corner.

Just as I decided to carve out a stable portion of my worry corner for this cause, I heard him say “ I need

you not to worry about this. Do not be like the rest of us that worry about weddings”. Is he kidding me? I shouldn’t worry? Its not just a wedding. It is my wedding. Who else would worry on my behalf? I just replied “ok” but telling one not to worry and really not worrying are countries in two different continents.

I have lived my past few days without a healthy appetite. My suit is yet in yards and the tailor for the native attire smiles more than he sews. Let me not mention the amount that the reception would cost. An amount that an ATM cannot afford to give you in less than four days. I was willing to buy a tailless or legless cow if that would drop the price for meat. I even wanted to wed on a Monday or Thursday morning so as to dissuade invitees. I refused to put a picture on the wedding card so that the names can act as just names, knowing well that pictures would confirm the identity.

I am not anti-social. I am not stingy and I love good things but I do not like such hectic gatherings. I would rather attend a funeral. Solemn, short, reflective, no comparism, no lustful hunting or the likes. But here I was in the middle of a wedding celebration, starring… me as groom. I had to worry and worry a lot or do i?

I thought without thinking. I flared at myself and I have always pricked myself whenever I hear people say do not prepare for the wedding more than the marriage. How difficult it is to apply such counsel at a time like this because in my little head I never plan to buy a cow in my entire marriage (which should last a lifetime) and here I was buying atleast one cow for the wedding of just a day. With respect to cow and beef, I am planning a wedding more than I am planning a marriage or so it sounds.

But the words of my supposed photographer kept ringing in my head. Words that came from a wedding photographer of high esteem. A married man and a constant feature in weddings, whether invited or solicited. I now chant those words in my head as a means of warding off the worry strains and anxiety reflexes.

There is really a lot to worry about and I told him. He calmly replied “…only if you want to be worried”. His calm was annoying yet his words were undeniably true. I recall all the meetings, the planning, the journeys, the calls, the posts, the chats, the talks, the arguments, the disagreements and all the others. I was going through a lot, not knowing I was losing my hold on things. People said I had shed weight even without weighing me on a valid scale and this my former classmate cum photographer could sense my worry without seeing or hearing me. Could it be this bad? Am I the first? Questions I can answer myself yet refuse to attempt.

It’s a big event but not big enough to unsettle me. There are demands and expectations but not great enough to make me threadbare. I would not please them and ruin my peace. I would not win their applause and grieve my spirit. I would honour them after God. I would value them after my bride because without God I wouldn’t be this alive and without my bride, I wouldn’t be called groom. I found a good thing and I am on the path to obtain favour not worry. I would re-adjust my cap, tighten my belt and straighten my tie. There is a lot to worry about if I want to but to quote more words of my pal… “Seriously, it’s just a day and what is the worst that can happen”?

These are my words below

It’s not just a day, it’s my wedding day but seriously, what is the worst that can happen?


Prov 18:22 “Whoever finds a wife finds what is good, and receives favour from the LORD” (ISV)

Phil 4: 6 “Do not be anxious about anything. Instead, in every situation, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tel your requests to God. (NET)

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