Dinah Dan-Azumi

An energetic, young and vivacious diva. One that I have always looked upon from afar. I remember how I would sit in the congregation and eagerly wait for the choreographers of TLV FCS FUT Minna to show up on stage just to see her perform. It was always a breath of fresh air to see something that didn’t look spiritual but was never out of place.

She had this air of a tomboy but her beauty sold her out. She had on her, a confident look and is not someone who would be caught looking lost in social circles.

 Whenever I watched Dinah dance, it gave me hope that you can be a lady and still do your thing and do it so well that another would be inspired. I am not so easily inspired and one might be quick to wonder what inspired me from a simple jumping around in white apparel on a youth fellowship platform. Well, it’s hard to outline it but I was inspired and the fact that I still remember her and her acts goes a long way to prove that I got stamped.

I grew up believing from the story of Dinah in the Bible that some people deserve some sympathy and in her case I kept seeing the Story of the Dinah I read from the Bible but this Dinah called Dan-Azumi aint an inch close to one who requires sympathy in any aspect. She is full of life and energy, hope and inspiration, youth and vigour.

Being a student of Architecture back then was also a thing of class for me and I saw the females in that field as spearheaded professionals. She is now an architect and I believe is carving a niche for herself. Though I remember her for her stage performance more than her field of study.

Her smile is contagious and she is a peoples’ person. She has this demeanor that is envious. Her touch of class is another pin-pointer. She has a good dress sense and knows what fits per time, in fact she would look fabulous in a palazzo and she is cute too.

Dinah dear, maintain the smile, keep trying out hairdos and maintain your beauty and never lose the God-factor.

Charles says…U Rock!

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