edward enejoh

Young men like this are hard to find, difficult to engage and completely rare to envision. He is one of those few students qualified to teach their teachers in due course. He may come across you like a normal hustling young Nigerian but this multi-talented dude is more than the eyes can see.

From music to graphics, from programming to management, he is loaded with concepts and thinks out of the box. He is qualified to be called young and able. He does not lack in duties, always busy for people or himself. He has an eye for beauty both superficial and human (giggles).

I encountered Edward in a class of Creativity and he proved to be a worthy student. Edward could be called a Jack of all trades but you can never say he is a master of none. He loves to dress and look good. He loves to speak to people and motivate them, seen or unseen. He loves to write about how to utilize life especially as a youth. He would come across as a youth motivator, any day, any time and as a life coach, brand strategist and change catalyst… he has something to say on

I have been privileged to work with him on a few ideas and concepts and he has proven that with time available to him, he is a force to reckon with. He is in no wise perfect but I have been stamped by his acts and his manner of coordination.

He is current and does not lack in engaging new ideas and concepts. He is the concept behind The Noble Herald and part of the vibrant team at VIBA STUDIOS. Being a scientist by training, he does well to analyze things around him. Did I mention his respect for people and his wholesome manner of making you feel like you worth something? Well, I just did.

He does his part in utilizing his gifting for the growth of the church meaning he does not see it as solely his personal effort but a direct impact embedded in him from above.

I remember Edward in my thoughts because he influences them, now and again. His striving yields a lot of fruits and he feeds from the work of his hands. He is chasing his one thousand now and in due course, we would see how his ten thousand would manifest and I can bet that they wouldn’t be just ONE but a glorious ONE.

Keep the concept ovenhot, keep thinking, keep encouraging, keep coaching, keep living and keep digging the God-Factor.

Charles says…U Glow!

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