Ojile, Paul Passport

Simple, easy going, stand-alone evangelist. I have known him for years yet he hasn’t changed a bit. He is as humble as can be. He would chat up a young girl and instead of saying sweet nothings, he would resort to sharing the gospel of Christ. He is quiet and never has a trumpet to blow.

He is a gifted writer, deep and searching. I remember when he thrashed me in a competition with an awesome poem. I got to know it was him and have never felt less being close to such a deep thinker. He loves the English words; he plays them in his head and pens them to his delight.

Sir Paul is an elder who would readily relate with the young and even allow them to seemingly boss him if it would keep the peace. He would never be found in the middle of a fight unless he was there to settle it. Diligent in his architectural field and definitely an example to his students.

He has weird and powerful ideas too and never stops thinking. He is an embodiment of encouragement and has said a word or two that has kept me going in times of draught. I love his spirit and over time I have been stamped by his counsel and reaction to one or two issues. It pleases me to speak so highly of him for his countenance does not provoke envy but contentment. He has a smile that I do not forget and he hates to hear one speak a negative word.

When he trusts, he trusts. He could be so free and comfortable to be with. Such men are rare to find in many circles. I wish he stayed closer but life parts many a man. He is the only one to have given me a birthday gift which was my first and only collection of poems, an anthology.

He is a “formula one” driver and is passionate for the Lord and the growth of his environment. He is a man true to his words.

Sir Paul, keep the ink flowing, keep your mind thinking, keep serving the Lord.

Charles says…U Cool

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