wilson danso

He is a living mentor. Young and highly experienced. He would easily rule a nation without rehearsals. This young man has been up and about for many years. He hardly has time to breathe for himself, so engaged in people’s lives that even full time resident pastors would see themselves as jobless when they compare. He is head-above-shoulders in many a spiritual course.

He is the only one so far that I have been willing to call a pastor without any sense of guilt or proof of ordination. He has read the Bible more times than his average peer would in a lifetime. He is not an arguing person because he deals with facts and reasons logically. His faith is not in question as he is in daily practice.

I am still awed at the fact that he still has time for politics and technology, he hasn’t left the computer, neither has he backed down from current affairs. Wilson sometimes looks frail but never underestimate his inner strength, simply put…he is a man with a yearning spirit, an inner man.

He has been in leadership right from childhood days and continued till he began to preside over campuses. He is a born teacher and breaks the Word of God in such a manner that provokes respect. He is committed to grooming lives of young curious minds and he would probably give his life to instill another.

Willie as I call him is not a Nigerian, yet his influence on many Nigerians like us is immeasurable, he is a man that loves order and jokes from deep within. He would not tolerate indiscipline yet he would not enforce it against your will. He always seeks to be in line with Kingdom Affairs and is a ready student of notable men of the Kingdom path.

His leadership and friendship has paved for me a path that’s unforgettable. I have been inspired in life because he lived his own life. I have learnt a lot from him and consider myself stamped in many ramifications. Our friendship and brotherhood spans years and as much as it has ebbed in recent times, I still see his impact vividly.

He is never a bore. He is quite ambitious and never jokes with his focus on life. I have met very few men like him and I know that God is awesome in his making of some men.

Willie, I am encouraged by many things you have done positive. The battles you have fought and won, the challenges you have lost and learnt from. I would not in my slightest thought imagine your impact in me any less than it is.

Keep grooming flocks, keep living life, keep being you, keep learning and growing, keep the God-Factor that has sold you hot.

Charles says…U Lead!

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