shedrach james

Quiet, gentle, introverted songbird. He would come across as one whose presence is not always heralded. He moves independently yet makes his impression wherever he stays. I would easily notice people like him because I love to observe but you could overlook him if you have your eyes on socially engineered entities.

I can’t remember if he met me or I met him but we met and his impact in my life is tenured for life. He helped me find my feet in the unstable waters of campus Christianity. He was the church and fellowship I had for a considerable period of time. He is really gentle and takes his time to teach you. He groomed me till I could be confident of myself. He was self-sacrificing and he never preached church to me but Jesus and his love. It’s easy to forget ones beginning in the hustle and bustle of life but looking back at all I was struggling with then, Shedrach was my pillar.

He was knee-deep in songs. He loved to sing and would sing himself back from the fellowship to his room. He wasn’t struggling to sing. He loved it and has a good voice. He was in the evangelism unit of FCS FUT and one would consider that he didn’t have such unique singing ability but he did and I can vouch for it.

He is like a born counselor. He never forces his opinion on you and is never envious of your progress. I remember when I finished my first book (an Anthology) and needed people to review it. I approached him and though he was surprised I had written such volume yet he was encouraging and so-in-support that I was challenged to keep writing.

Shedrach built my faith in the Lord with his little and near-daily counsel and guidance. He answered my questions. He told me what he knew and I learnt comfortably by his side instead of at his feet. He had a flair for foreign music especially the worship albums.

He was an ardent lover of Don Moen and since I was following Don so closely in his songs, we struck a chord. I once told him that I didn’t like the album titled I WILL SING. I reportedly told him that Don Moen sang the song as if he was asleep. He was a bit surprised but he didn’t challenge my opinion.

Sometime later, I had a bad suicidal thought and action would have followed suit due to my depressed mood but that same album and particular song I WILL SING was what ministered to me and I realized the deep message embedded in it which I believe Shedrach had found long ago when I voiced my dislike.

He will make a sturdy husband and loving father. I can vouch for his family abilities even without having a close look. By their fruits and their faithfulness in little things you can tell what a man is capable of.

I am largely what I am because people like Shedrach stamped me years ago with his love and fellowship and I duff my cap for him and his dedication. It’s rare to see such devotion in the Christianity of today.

Sir Shedrach, keep grooming, keep singing, keep evangelizing, keep serving the lord albeit quietly.

Charles says…U Groom!

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