Two gone in recent times!Could it be better than limes?When you least expectYou pay your last respectDeath sounds no clarion callYet it would never stallPleasant memories still fresh Present thoughts in a mesh That wishes could just stay Whether or not we pray Then i`ll never lose anyone Or mourn a single one They were gone before my eyes Like the throwing of dice Doubtless to say we all are sent, Though our destinies be different Each with a […]

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  Few hours ago I got to the point of voicing the very words “I feel like giving up”. That was in reply to a question poised early by someone I dearly care about. She had looked me in the eye, after telling me about an issue that concerned me greatly and asked “What do you feel right now?” “Do you really want to know?” I retorted “Yes, I do”, She affirmed. “You want to know how I really feel.” […]

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