
So many tales have been told you

Of your origin, your background and source

Details glaring, so much so

That in your analytical mind

You seem to be born forsaken

Time dims our yesterdays

But scars so ugly reminds you

That your past is a skeleton of wrongs

And though you sought forgiveness

Condemnation looms to say “You are forsaken”

Amidst the gathering of brethren

Your heart is lifted of burden

But when the night is come

Often you wet your pillow with tears

Silent tears that tell of your being forsaken

The home front, in sunder and shambles

And thoughts of it may bite as frost

So bitter you wish you were never conceived

But even if your case counsel defies

Think not that you have been forsaken

For when the tongs of life pick you

Like a piece of discarded steel

Threatening to drop you into hot embers of guilt

Arms will bear you and in strength that’s not yours

Will come the assurance; “YOU ARE NOT FORSAKEN!”

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