On one of my visits to a friend’s house, I went towards the kitchen and I saw two sacks full of empty can drinks. I was amazed at the quantity I saw and I asked her how come they consumed all these. I cast my mind back in those days when only rich men consumed can drinks. Rich and busy men. Men that didn’t have time to wait and drink from the glass bottles which needed to be returned. We […]

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Ten to the Saviour came To be healed and no more They of His mercies begged That they be made whole And from shame be freed   I saw the Saviour’s pity Turn a command “Go show the priest yourselves” And as they went by the way Behold!  they were healed   To give praise returned one, a foreigner And of him the Saviour asked “Where be the other nine? Weren’t a dozen, less two, healed? Thy faith makes thee […]

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So many tales have been told you Of your origin, your background and source Details glaring, so much so That in your analytical mind You seem to be born forsaken Time dims our yesterdays But scars so ugly reminds you That your past is a skeleton of wrongs And though you sought forgiveness Condemnation looms to say “You are forsaken” Amidst the gathering of brethren Your heart is lifted of burden But when the night is come Often you wet […]

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