One early morn, she knocked
I opened up and she was smiling
She helped me with all my work
She was tireless, energetic and motivated

I told her to rest a while, she just smiled
She continued, unrelenting, not weary
I asked her the source of her strength
She smiled and said “it’s my glory”

I asked her to eat, she obliged
Her appetite was keen, her taste healthy
She was smart, strong, sharp and sound
I marveled for she was really invincible

I begged her to slow down, to pause
She shook her head and worked even harder
“You will tire out”, I tried to cajole her
“My burden is to be borne now!”, she calmly replied

Soon she was through, I thanked her
She smiled again then stepped through the door
As she knocked on my neighbour’s door, I smiled
I shook my head for I was once like her. I was once a youth!


  • Yisa Deborah

    Hmmm! I love this and I thank God am still a youth

    • icon4X

      Being a youth is a one time privilege. Thanks for stopping by


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