honour your parents


SON:      Lord, my parents are naïve and archaic

GOD:     They may be that but you have to honour them

SON:      They are limiting me, my desires, and my destiny

GOD:     They gave you birth so honour them

SON:      Lord, giving birth is natural and common

GOD:     Giving birth is natural but giving birth to you is a peculiar miracle

I made you before your parents conceived you

Before you were born, I knew you

SON:      Ok, but my parents want to live my life for me

GOD:     They are only trying to express their love for you.

SON:      Lord, their love is hurting and annoying

GOD:     Gold must go through fire to be gold, my child be patient.

SON:      For how long? I am above eighteen now, I am an adult!

GOD:     That’s the more reason you need their guidance

SON:      Lord, they also make mistakes

GOD:     No human is perfect.

SON:      So why are they acting like they know it all?

GOD:     That’s because they do not want you to make the mistakes they made

SON:      But they are authoritative

GOD:     You need to be under authority to be guided

No matter how much it hurts

No matter the inconvenience and discomfort

I, your God is asking you to honour them

The instruction comes from me and I will repay you

When you want to obey me, do not let any man hinder you

Your parents may be illiterates, poor, unbelievers or even worse

But you are honouring them for one major reason


SON:      I will do as you say, Lord. Be my strength

GOD:     I will be with you always, my dear child.


(AMP)  Honor (esteem and value as precious) your father and your mother–this is the first commandment with a promise–

Eph 6:2, [Exodus 20:12] 


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