You may never have the opportunity to catch a glimpse of my bedroom but the colour distribution speaks of deep thoughts of balance. On the wall closest to my bed-stand is a wall poster featuring an interior décor of enviable taste. White sofas, wall paintings, potted plants, well lighted shades and granite flooring. The poster gives a nice concept and it’s finer than the room hosting it. Anyone would think it’s a simple wall poster but beneath it lies a […]

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I am a youth and I actively relate with my ‘kit and kin’ at least on a daily basis. I grew up in the midst of young people and I have had contacts with elders of varying chronological ages. I love to discuss, I love to plan and I am curious to the bones. It’s what keeps me going. I live by seeking out better ways to live better. What baffles me in this my generation is not the decadence […]

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