It was a grand idea. I had been using internet banking for some years and it has helped my business beyond
my expectations. I was a proud advocate of the technology and I encouraged anyone that could afford it to try it. I enjoyed the ease of paying with my mobile phone or using my computer at any time of the day. It was not rosy all through, I had made transfers that hung till the last day of the year without reason. It was not risk free but the benefits did abound.

I came up with the idea to start a business of helping people around to move their cash especially when the money was bulky and when the bank(s) involved had no branch in our little town. It was such a grand idea. I hoped it would sell. I had packaged a logo, a venue and modalities where already in place and I was so excited to be the first person in town to start such a venture and I could see myself becoming not just popular but very relevant and instrumental to so many people. It was a breakthrough concept. I called my engineer and shared the idea with him and he bought it instantly, we began to dream all over again. He added that we could get contracts from schools and become middle payers cum payees for their students and also help banks after banking hours.
 I could see the banks becoming our friends and opening their doors to us especially outside banking hours because we were the money movers. I could dream of my account becoming dynamic with the inflow and outflow of peoples cash. I could see people smiling at not having to travel out of town to deposit money and at the same time depositing and receiving instant alerts. I was happy that my ambitious spirit had found a clear-cut concept that was unrivaled. 
I kept dreaming and then I decided to confide in one of my banker friends before I invested money into the venture. He told me it was a good concept and even encouraged me to go ahead. He then asked if I had thought about security because the amount of cash I would be tranferring may become huge. He went ahead to say that people will get to know what I do and I would have to seek tight security around the premises because even the depositors could mask themselves and come back as thieves. He made lots of sense. I felt that he was being so unfair, he was bursting my bubble. I had thought about this concept and it was fail-proof. I didn’t see what he saw yet I couldn’t doubt these points because he was being very realistic. He was a bank manager and he was also a businessman. However, just being my friend was even enough to pay attention to his own opinion. The idea to establish MONEY MOVERS died a natural death.
 I thought of all that could have gone wrong. What if someone’s one million (1,000,000) naira got stuck and I couldn’t get it back? What if the banks outside my town had network issues and etransact or interswitch had deducted the money? So many things arose in my mind and I knew that confiding in my banker friend was a wisdom that God had sent ahead of me. Money business is always a risky business and though I had thought about the profits, I sidelined the risks involved. I wasn’t wrong to dream and my idea was not the worst thing ever.
 I got to learn from what transpired that it is always nice to dream positively and a wonderful thing to be full of ideas. Ideas are like children in church, once they start crying, you carry the out. If you do not carry out your ideas, you may forget or even lose sight of them. 
I also learnt that you don’t share all your ideas with everyone. You should share them with people that can help you. People that can contribute to the ideas to either forestall it for good reasons or encourage it accordingly. We shouldn’t be afraid to share our ideas but we must apply wisdom in sharing them so that we do not attract the envy of others or the wrath of bad consciences. 
I also learnt that ideas are time based. An idea may be good but the timing may be wrong. The timing is very crucial to the success of many ideas. Ideas also may be incomplete and you would need the input of other people to get it running.
 We must never be discouraged when an idea fails. We must never give up if and when we have bad experiences with our ideas. We must not be too greedy as not to share or help other people with our ideas and we must ensure that what we advise others, we would do ourselves given the same opportunity.
 I have many backlisted ideas, yet I have tried many others that have helped me rise to where I am and have helped those around me too. We could make this world a better place if we keep improving our ideas and sharing them with people that could give them birth. I have crazy ideas I dare not share yet, until my friends have grown or I have the money to carry them out but I have learnt that life is not absolute and it is not perfect either so I start with the little ideas I have and improve them until they become standards. 
 I start with what I have, the people I know, I money I earn, the materials I have, the knowledge I have acquired, the wisdom I have been blessed with and the Grace of God on my life, with those in place, I dream like nothing is impossible and I work like tomorrow doesn’t exist yet I live like money is not a necessity because I know that the creator of the heavens and the earth is the Author and Finisher of my faith. 
Dare to dream… that money could still move but be ready in case the idea doesn’t work out. All I do is to dream again, until one clicks. My advice is, never stop until your exhaust what you have. 
Pro 3:5 Trust GOD from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. (MSG) 

Pro 21:31 Do your best, prepare for the worst– then trust GOD to bring victory. (MSG)

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