I spent five (5) legal years in school and I didn’t talk to any lady about relationships. I didn’t even ask any to be my friend. I was preoccupied with my fellowship, my books and my new found joy for programming and computer repairs. Not that it did not cross my mind but frankly speaking I couldn’t fathom what I would achieve or stand to gain if I entered a relationship way back in school. I saw a lot of […]

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If my memory serves me right, it was my first year as a lecturer and I was given a Remedial class to handle. The classroom was a hall and the number of students were scary. I got to the front of the class and I knew it wasn’t going to be easy adjusting to this kind of population but I loved to teach and before long I was lost in the euphoria of sharing my knowledge of computers. Initially it […]

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 I was happy. Very happy. I had finished my examinations for the semester and you know that feeling. It was like I had won a lottery. I was glad that the semester had ended, no more reading, rushed lectures, hunger strikes and overnight assignments. It was over. I don’t know which one made me happier, the end of the semester’s struggle or the success of the examination generally. I went to the back of the chapel and for the first […]

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Have you ever had a full day before? Not one that is loaded with work or projects or visitations or the burden of personal achievements. Have you ever come to a point when all seems to be giving way? You are not depressed. You are not broke. You are not poor. You do not lack friends. You do not want for wisdom or advice yet everything around you seems to crumble without prior notice. You are just pissed! My today […]

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We had a nice time that evening at the fellowship. My friend from school days had visited and ministered and I felt the tingling sensation of something different. I was grateful to God for the meeting. We walked back home and while he went ahead to make dinner, I set to work on the laptops I had collected that night. I had a lot of work to do and I needed to keep a vigil so I could complete it. […]

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I heard a knock early one morning around 8 o’clock thereabout. It was early because I normally invest most mornings in some good sleep. I have a habit of working late at night so I don’t really wake so early. A habit I am not proud of anyway. This knock was not welcome at all but I peeped from my bedroom window to see who it was. He was in a morning wear and by the look of things, he […]

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Cooking wasn’t a chore for me, I enjoyed it. It was like a project and the outcome was always tasty. I had a nice time thrilling my friends back in school when it was time to cook. They felt I was always too prepared and took too much time to prepare a simple meal. I didn’t argue with them. I was taught so. On this day I had cooked a nice meal and dropped it in my corner of my […]

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I had warned the whole class on my first contact with them and had taken my time to let them in on what could make us work together and achieve a common goal: their success. I went ahead to briefly caution them as they got set to write a test they never prepared for or even saw coming. I was to give them a surprise test and I knew how it felt to be unprepared for a test prepared for […]

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Anyone who has spent some good time with me would know that I love cars. I sometimes stand outside and recall the model and make of cars that pass just to be sure that I am not missing out so much on my little acquired knowledge of automobiles. I talk about whatever it is that I love. I dreamt about driving for a long time when I could only wash my father’s car. Soon enough I was allowed to start […]

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Prior to seeing her that afternoon, I have always known her to be a very shy and withdrawn person. She had recently joined the fellowship and it was only natural for me to notice her. She was quiet, light in complexion and smallish but she had this determined and focused look on her face yet she was innocent in many respects. She approached me and asked to talk to me in private. I asked what it was and she said […]

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