Our concept of a bookstore was born and we
were happy that we had started something. Weeks went into months and the
patronage dropped as if buying a book was a plague. It dawned on us that the
reading culture of our immediate society was either lost or has suddenly become
It was difficult to encourage my
fellow executives concerning the dream of having a thriving bookstore because
funny enough we were part of the back-dropping reading crew. My point…we all
are guilty of not reading enough, for some, not reading at all.
I started reading the moment I
encountered pictures in books. I read the Guardian cartoons, Punch and Daily
Times. They were the ones I could read briefly and either laugh or wonder what
the cartoonist was thinking when he drew all that. Didn’t he know I would read
them? Yes, he is a he. Don’t ask how I know. My reading was to feed my mind, to
pleasure my senses and to free myself from the boredom of academic materials.

I didn’t like the boring books
without coloured pictures. They were punishments of varying degrees. Books like
Lacombs, preparing for common entrance etc. I read them because I had parents
and teachers who would beat me If I didn’t read or who would wait till the
effect of not reading the books became glaring, simply put,…who would wait till
I failed. I however combed my father’s library and read books on philosophy,
basic computing, Webster’s series, I read the front covers of Chinua Achebe’s
books and never even liked the ones that had titles like “Quantitative
Chemistry”. I browsed through his library and saw books that I liked, then
loved, then stole…no, no, no. I took them. Took them to another part of the
house. Safe keeping, nothing more !
I read good books, bad
literature, confusing writs and even indescribable scribbles. I wondered how
they got the time to write all that and whether all that was really true. Well
I still enjoyed them. My people didn’t know my love for reading until I started
exchanging books and taking peoples books to read.
I misplaced books from shelf to
shelf in my secondary school library, I tore pages from books so I could have
them. I even stole one and made it pass the library attendant. I didn’t really
know I loved to read until I found myself reading all through the night. I would
have a test the next day and I wouldn’t want to drop the book I was reading. I would
have options of films to watch and I would prefer to go the book alternative.
If you hide it in a book I would
find it. One of the Challenge bookshops was my hideout. I would go and stand
for hours, grazing and browsing from book to book. I would have to buy some
books before I left so that I wouldn’t incite their anger, but I always read
more than I bought.
I would borrow books, labour for
them and even make friends just so I could read their books. I didn’t know I was
building myself. I didn’t read because I wanted to be great. I didn’t read
because I wanted to be a leader. I just loved to read because I could draw my
own pictures in my head and feed my imagination without any hindrance. I didn’t
need to depend on a TV or radio or even on power supply. All I needed was the
book and I. it was glorious. I built my little library filled with books that
were mine and… weren’t mine.
Today it is obvious that my
effort has paid off, I don’t do much of formal reading anymore but my love for
written words has sunk so deep that I wonder where I get some words when I write.
I reap from a wealth of content deposited without even my full consciousness. I
made friends that loved books, friends that loved to write and friends that
encouraged me to read and write. We are no longer geographically close but I still
feel their impact.
I have looked at this world and I
have seen the leaders, I have seen the geniuses, I have seen the respected, I have
seen the articulate, I have seen the mentors and in all I have seen, I have
seen them rise from one tribe and one tribe alone, the tribe of READERS.
Africa is poor because we do not
read, we are chiefly consumers because we don’t value written content, we are
ignorant because we lack the will to feed our minds. Students want to pass
without reading, pastors want to become good preachers without reading, parents
want to groom children without reading about grooming, many want to embark on
business and projects without reading about past experiences or principles in
the said field.
Ignorance is the absence of
knowledge and a nation without knowledge is an unfortunate people.
I learnt to drive a car from a
book, I learnt to play professional table tennis from a book, I learnt
Programming from a book, I learnt website design from a book, I learnt to
relate with people from books, I learnt computers from books, I learn God from
the Bible.
A book may not give you experience
but it will give you knowledge and that is the basis, the start-up and the
confidence to venture into the field even without special guides.
I read more of softcopy materials
than hardcopy now but I still read. The more I read the more I add value to
myself. I can’t die when I have knowledge that gives life. I can’t be poor when
I have knowledge that gives wealth. I can’t be useless when I have knowledge that
makes useful. I can’t be unimportant when I have knowledge that reeks of
importance. If there is one thing you would do and never regret, it is to READ.
No wonder we spend most of our useful lives acquiring knowledge and being
I belong to a tribe of READERS
and a major part of our culture is READING!
Let it be known to you that:
He who does not read is not
better than he who can not read.
God values knowledge and desires that
His people be filled with knowledge too.
See for yourself:
1Sam 2:3 “Talk no more so very proudly. Remove
arrogance out of your mouth, for Jehovah is a God of knowledge, and by Him
actions are weighed.”
Hosea 4:6 I will destroy my people because they are
ignorant. You have refused to learn, so I will refuse to let you be my priests.
You have forgotten the teachings of your God, so I will forget your children.”
Please start a culture
to READ today and never stop.

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