It was my final year and the preparations for the dinner night was in top gear. Our executives had the plans revving up their sleeves and the details snow flaked on us as they made decisions. We had a lot to put into motion, gifts, dress codes, logistics etc and it all depended on how much we could co-operate as a house.
We were known as the Glorious Family, 2006 set and we really glowed in our different cadres and rankings. We had one of the best crop of individual outcomes if my judgment were to be relied upon, banking on personality and uniqueness. We were all different.

I, for one, didn’t see through some of the ideas that were raised with respect to the dinner plans and I sought to air my opinion…by writing. I got my pen and I wrote as I thought was meet.
Few days later, the executives summoned me and I was wondering what I did wrong. They went through my write and in a mature fashion told me my message was received and then came the caution…
My Coordinator calmly but very strongly told me never to use my pen to hurt. He went on to tell me how strong my words could get and that if God has given me a talent to use them words, it shouldn’t be to anyone’s detriment.
It sounded like a word to bluff until I remembered so many cases that my writing had caused a misdemeanour and others that have actually been fatal, emotionally and otherwise. I unconsciously imbibed that advice all these years but late last night something happened.
It was a hard-to-swallow event. It lasted few minutes but I sure got a lifetime out of it. My first impulse was to react, then to write. “Write” in the last sentence could safely be taken as a synonym of HURT.
I racked my brain to find some decorum.  I was as angry as I could remember. I couldn’t think straight. All I wanted to do was to write but I was still seething. I tried talking to a friend whom I knew would understand better and moments later I could feel my apoplectic situation dim its intensity a bit. My friend thankfully understood and like a true “Abigail”, she bore the brunt.
What I went through in those few minutes of my life made me realize the intensity of these words:
He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.   Proverbs 16:32
I sure had failed if it had been a test and I think it was even more than that for me. Sometimes the words we read and preach never come to life until we are faced with the real challenge of engaging what we have so long consumed. Yes, I got angry couldnt reason well, i wanted to so badly react. nevertheless i refused to write in my anger nor reply the host of the bad event. I had to let the ‘write’ slide. I actually did. i may not be completely over it but i am not as mad as i was. Thank God I did.
Lord, I messed up and got so irate. Please help me to stop “taking cities” and feeling “mighty”, please help me to be slow to anger and rule my spirit. Help me to grow in wisdom and stature, and in favour with You and with MAN (Sniffing).

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