“Honestly, I don’t want someone that would see the good in me, but someone that would see the bad in me and still want me”

That’s the status that greeted me this morning when I beheld a contact’s profile.
What the heck! Did I read this clearly or am I just hungry?
Yes, it was a lady’s status and I could guess some guesses caring not whether I am right or wrong. Excuse me my lady, do you know the amount of bad in you?
Haven’t you read that…

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” 
If you know the amount of bad you are capable of, you will be alert to one that sees the good in you.
I am of the opinion that every man (male and female) is capable of the worst bad and the best good, depending on what spirit is allowed to influence the man per time and wholesomely.
You should be more at peace with one that sees the good in you, because even when the bad surfaces, if he or she really sees good in you, he or she would look beyond that present evolution. The one that sees good in you would help you get where you ought to go faster than the one that sees bad and accepts (probably tolerates or manages) you as YOU ARE.
If Christ didn’t see good in us, he wouldn’t have died for us for so the Book says…
“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”  Romans 5:8
He saw the potential in us and invested in us.
Babe, be alert for the one that sees good in you o because to see bad in a man is normal, it’s never difficult. On the contrary, it is very hard not to.
Having said all that, I tend to look beyond that status to say that though your honesty is obvious, your ideology is shaky and giving my believe that the most important part of communication is hearing what is not said, I dare say I understand exactly what you mean to address and in no time, the one that would see you “as you are”and make you better is but a breath away, just be alert and sensitive. Cheers!


  • Anonymous

    All dat is left to say is I am SORRY for every wrong deeds of mine to u. If u can PLEASE forgive me. Even as 2013 rolls by. No reason or excuse is good enough 4 my actions and inactions. I just failed. In my friendship wen it matters most. If ever u can do pls forgive. U hav stamped an indelible mark in my life. I only thank God for dat previledge. Mee Ng

  • Anonymous

    All dat is left to say is I am SORRY for every wrong deeds of mine to u. If u can PLEASE forgive me. Even as 2013 rolls by. No reason or excuse is good enough 4 my actions and inactions. I just failed. In my friendship wen it matters most. If ever u can do pls forgive. U hav stamped an indelible mark in my life. I only thank God for dat previledge. Mee Ng


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