I logged in to yahoo messenger today after a long while. With the advent of the Whatsapp, BBM and 2go, it has become a natural thing of the past to chat with messengers that are e-mail based. The phone number based or device based messengers are favoured more.

I navigated to the old list of friends I had and I saw a name I have been trying to remember. She used to be a friend and we chatted a lot since that was the means of communication I always preferred.
Yahoo gave me the message…
“…appears to be offline and will revive your message after signing in”.

 I knew for the first time that this was a lie from yahoo yet I smiled as I sent a “hello”. I knew full well that the friend would not respond to the message. She wouldn’t even get it and contrary to yahoo’s computerized message, she will never receive the message because I was sure she will never sign in again.
What makes me so sure? Well, it’s because my friend is long dead.
What relationship has the dead with the living? She died a while back and her messenger is saying she appears offline and is still expecting her to sign in. it’s impossible!
She is permanently offline.
One day, I will be offline too, I mean permanently. No one will expect me to sign in unless in the world beyond where I would already have been permanently signed in. sometimes I wish the messengers could be very spiritually sensitive to be able to tell when a person has departed the earth. But they don’t have to be, it’s our duty to be spiritually conscious and ready to be offline whenever the need arises.
Remember that just as fluctuation of network, insufficient data package, low battery and many other causes could lead to us being offline from a particular network or messenger so also in real life. There are many causes that could make us to be offline from this earth and it wouldn’t be temporal. We would be dead and gone!
Chat all you can now, transfer all the files you need to, do all that is required and be ready to sign out from this earth and prepare to sign in to the life yonder for I sense that the offline time is nearer than when we first logged in.
One day your messenger would tell a lie saying you will receive a message or you would sign-in soon. One day it would be a thing of the past chatting with you and you will be deleted from many chat lists because you wouldn’t be among the living anymore.
It makes a lot of sense to live with that consciousness and be ready to depart at anytime.
We should be optimistic in life but be prepared to meet death. It is no bad omen to be ready to die while still alive. It is rather a rare form of wisdom and not common to many, yet death is an evitable event that only time can delay.
Folks, get ready to be OFFLINE PERMANENTLY
Only he that is prepared to die is really ready to live. selah

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