I sat with my close pals ready to witness the election proceedings. This wasn’t an INEC based election. It was local. It was an Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) election and being members of the body, we were compelled to witness and partake of the procedure.
Different contestants and aspirants came up for various posts and offices and we debated in our minds who will win, the debate even gained some voice and side comments kept flying around.
Then one of the aspirants came up. Instantly my mind did a replay. I knew this man.

I tapped my friend to my right and I told him…”see that man, he has no integrity”. My friend quizzically looked at me and asked what I meant. I gave him a brief history on NO INTEGRITY.
The man that arose used to be my lecturer about 9-10 years ago. He was one of the worst ever to teach me. He was as ignorant as the board he used to teach us and probably as inefficient as the Nigerian made chalk sticks. He claimed to know like most lectures and he never lived his claim. He would verbally abuse you when you asked a question and whenever it was time for the Muslim fasting, he would capitalize on that and make nonsense out of his lectures. Yes, the lectures were his not ours! He was a dictator. He couldn’t communicate.
Just as I finished speaking someone arose to say that the man (Yes, that same man) who arose for the post of treasurer was financially indebted to the association. To quickly counter that move, someone else arose and offered to clear the debt on the spot.
But the deed was already done. Members of the house got the hint and said that clearing the debt was not the issue but why should someone who was vying for such a financially sensitive post be indebted in the first place, another added that our money wouldn’t be safe in such hands.
Your guess is as good as mine, Mr Aspirant didn’t even make it to the candidates-to-be-voted list. He lost without competing. He broke without pressure. He wasn’t a victim of circumstance, he was a product of bad living.
What has his lectures got to do with his political ambition? What goes around comes around. You can’t be black by day and white by night. No habit forms overnight be it good or bad habits. Its takes our daily lives to build a lifestyle.
Whatever you do today would stand for or against you tomorrow. It doesn’t matter where or before whom. I didn’t intend to vote against him or for him but he lost out-rightly and he would have lost whether I was there or not and whether I told my friend about him or not. I had no hand in his loss but he lost all the same.
If you are taking little things for granted then prepare for a shocker in the future.
God cannot be deceived, whatever a man sows, that he reaps. Period!


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