Few weeks ago I had a nice roving-town time with some wonderful friends. It was a heck of an outing. We went from free pleasure centers to well-paid attractions.  We got into a big mall and I saw, laid together in a cartoon, a gathering of birds. The birds were the angry ones!
If you have played around with mobiles and tablets especially the Android family, you would recognize the ANGRY BIRDS.

They may have a film and cartoon asides the game but I was struck the moment I saw them model toys. I wasted no time. I collected as many as I could solely because I had a lot of children waiting for me back home and God bless me if I came home empty handed.

When I got home and they all gathered to welcome me, I began handing out the toys. They had an elastic rope attached and once you bump the birds into some object, they emit a disco kind of light. This was the major attraction, especially at night and I was also excited about the concept. I handed them different colours and a pack of biscuits each. I made their day as they all went away very happy. I knew the birds were in for a terrible time!
Minutes later I heard a knock on my door, it was dark already and just outside the door, stood Queen, she was the oldest child in the compound. Still a small girl but the oldest. “Uncle Charles, what of Faith’s angry bird”, she asked.
Geez! I was amazed. Faith was her youngest sister and last born in the family. She cant mouth words yet and I hadn’t considered that she knew enough to play with toys. Yet her eldest sister stood there asking her toy on her behalf.
Didn’t she consider what I went through to buy the amount of toys I bought?
Didn’t she consider I had done enough for her siblings already?
Didn’t she consider that I bought it out of my own free will?
Then I remembered that she was a child and was innocent of any such issues and suddenly I became sorry. Sorry that I had been segregational in my assessment of the children.
I didn’t have any toy left to give her so she left and probably the four girls had to share the three toys or so I think.
Many days have passed and I still wonder how much she had borne in mind coming to ask me for her sister’s absent toy.
Was she being an elder sister or just a child? Was she being concerned or an Oliver Twist? Was she acting the part of a brother’s keeper or she merely didn’t want to share? I cannot answer these questions but I am sure of one thing. She is a child and thinks like one. I am an adult and I think like one but I passed through her stage and I can tell what it feels like. 
 Innocence is a good thing and it does not consider sentiments or harm, neither does it envisage trouble lurking in corners. I still wish that I would act like a child in matters relating to life when I present my life before God on a daily basis. I still desire that I would be a child in matters that hurt the heart and tame the mind, I still hope that my innocence would surface when the world least expects it. I do pray that I would be like a child in all necessary ramifications because the WORD I daily encounter is true to every punctuation
“And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven”        Matthew 18:3

 If help does not daily come from the Omnipotent God then frankly speaking, I am too old.

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