I have spent my life being friends. I have been friends to friends and friends to those who I don’t consider so. It takes a moment to meet a friend-capable person, it takes quality time and happenings to build a good friendship and then it takes a lifetime to maintain the build.
I have been humiliated, embarrassed, abused, vehemently vexed and

even desensitized being friends with people that have chanced being on my path. I have been groomed by Biblical principles to rather be the victimized than the victimizer even for a fleeting breath. That however, will most times put one on the victimization listing of many opportunists, but truth be emphasized; it feels good to know you owe no man but have many indebted to you.

In my quest to be a true friend I have swallowed insults and reaped heaps of messy droppings yet I have gained far more than I seem to have lost. I have grown more than I ought to have. It pays to remain committed to your purpose (especially the one backed by the Truth) irrespective of how difficult it gets.
My greatest hurt about my friends isn’t because they take advantage sometimes or they rip me off or that they are not as sensitive as I would have wanted them to be. My greatest hurt does not lie in the fact that their differences make conflict with my personal disciplines. My greatest hurt does not flow in the path of them being inconsistent with words and actions or that they find greener pasture and forget how to spell commitment. NO! Here is what hurts…
It hurts and really hurts bad when the one you trust is the one that betrays you! Did that ring a bell? Please don’t think about Judas here! I am talking about us! One party tells all the truth he/she knows and the other party keeps back the little truth he/she has for “REASONS BEST KNOWN TO ME.
I hurt bad when I sense betrayal in friendship. You can be bad, inconsistent, even unrighteous but be REAL. Be who you are!
Forgiveness is part of my salvation package and with God, forgiveness is worth the act even before it is sought but forgiveness would not remove the memories of a betrayal and hence, caution would inevitably be evoked to forestall further occurrences in such friendship or any at all.
I hurt and heal, then I educe a statement or an act of caution to prevent the hurt, yet hurt far more varies than the alphabets in the English language.
If you know you would betray a friend, it’s worth losing the friendship before thinking such thoughts. Betrayal doesn’t always come as a kiss. It forms as a thought, gets groomed in the conscience and then acted upon according as the situation deems fit.
Betrayal is always a deliberate effort, it’s never unconscious.
Solomon in his God-given wisdom opines thus in Proverbs 27:6
“Faithful are the wounds of a friend, although the kisses of an enemy are profuse”
Whatever you do, please NEVER BETRAY A FRIEND. It makes you an ENEMY and an enemy is worse than a bad friend.


  • True talk…. In friendship, nothing hurts worse than a betrayal of trust…

  • @samuel, thanks
    @Tolu, betrayal is like being dead while alive, it numbs the senses.
    Thanks for reading

  • Ng

    Hmmmmmmm help us lord

  • Akia

    Wow what a nice piece I just imagine what it feels like 2 be betrayed. Tho not just betrayer hurt, yes u feel empty and hurt when u are been betrayed by a friend. But we all have to rmba God 4gives a repented hrt. Its only a true friend who make a mistake and try to make amends for them. we sometimes push away our friends 4 the wrongs they do to us not giving them chance 2 repent of it, yes I know once betrayed by a friend it hurt and u can vow never 2 get close again reason being u dnt want to be hurt again. But we sometimes v 2 rmba we are all humans band 2 make mistake and 2 learn from them. it hurt 2 loss a friend as well, one u felt could be a guide 2 ur life, some1 u feel u can always talk 2 but most ppl v 2 let go 2 soon since they know they cant v their friend’s back cos they v hurt them in one way or d other. No one is perfect. Humans will always hurt each other. If Judas will betray Jesus talk more of people of our generation’s. let’s learn to accept people no mater their default we may be the element of change in their life’ s rather than giving up on them.


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