It was late in the morning and I was about doing my house chores. I went round the house sweeping what I could and as I put the litter together, I found that I had more than I could carry. I opened the door that led to my backyard and there they were… two daughters of my neighbor. They were obviously jobless. I could not explain whether they were just bored or lonely, seeing that their parents were not home. “Uncle Charles, let me help you”

, offered the eldest and of course the younger went ahead to repeat the same offer and I had to give both of them answers, individually. It was there way, you had to answer each one separately even if they asked the same question. I was accustomed to it. They always wanted attention and they always wanted to compete for it in their way.
           I shared my dirty booty into three and we marched out of the compound to populate the refuse site close by. We spoke as we went and that was what they wanted, asking all they could and feeling very helpful to me. It was a short trip and we were back in no time. As we made the bend around my flat I came towards the tap to wash off the dirt baskets, I saw a full grown Agama Lizard inside a very big drum, it was a Redneck! I called them to come and see. They rushed to me.
I explained to them that the lizard wasn’t comfortable where it was since it didn’t like water. The lizard must have fallen into the drum and there was no way for it to come out since the sides were slippery and smooth. As i washed the baskets the drum collected water and the lizard tried its best to avoid the liquid. I told them to get a long stick and place it in the drum so it could stick out to the very edge of the opening. I told them that the lizard would recognize the stick as a way out and use it. We ended our exciting outing and we parted.
           I went in to continue my chores. It was sometime later then I was halfway through my clothe-washing exercise when two excited children defied my courtesy-bound entry protocols and barged into my bedroom reeling…”Uncle Charles, Uncle Charles, the lizard has come out!”. I smiled as I saw their faces. “Uncle Charles come and see it”. Oh my gosh! must i? Well I had to. They dragged me excitedly to the drum, I checked and the lizard was no longer there. They grinned from ear to ear.
           I told them that they had done a worthy thing because they had saved a lizard and he has gone to meet his family. They listen and looked so accomplished. I told them they were heroines and they became puzzled. I told them they were lizard-saviours and they became displeased. i almost laughed but they didn’t like the title so I constrained myself. I explained what I meant and encouraged them to always render help when they saw the need. I told them that little acts of kindness and gestures borne out of a lowly heart would always go a long way.
           Many of us do not value little things, we wait till we have a lot of cash before we can give out. We wait till the salary is paid or the business thrives before we make a difference. We wait till we are graduates, husbands, wives, buy a car, a good phone, a laptop, a furnished apartment…we always wait till when we feel worthy enough to help. It will mean a lot if we start from where we are. Send a text, make the call, pay the visit. The little gesture could save a life, teach your colleague, step out and bridge the gap irrespective of your strength. The little you call little is more than enough for someone out there. Never you underrate the value of an act or a kind gesture. All you need is life and the willingness to do something for another. You may even be on a sick bed but you can still make someone smile. Don’t wait till her wedding or his graduation. Do it now. Go out or stay indoors, take a hike or a bike, leave your town or travel within, no matter how it comes make sure you go “save a lizard.”
There are “lizards” all around us waiting for us to stretch a little stick in their direction and they would be on their life’s journey again. It may not be all you want to do but you must start NOW.
I am saving “lizards” as much as I can. I  invite you to join the “save a Lizard” campaign.  You can be on someone’s lips
You can be in their hearts
You can be in their thoughts
You can be in their prayers
You can be with them wherever they go  but you don’t get there by keeping to yourself alone.
Make a difference, it may be little but it’s a start and little to you, could be BIG to them


  • Really touching, so sorry for not keeping in touch…

  • Its amazing the much we can accomplish with the little things we do or say. I wrote something short and precise sometime ago-the show of care is simple,you dont need to buy a bunch of apple to show it,a flash of genuine smile would brigthen the world. I pray to add value to someone’s life in the little way i can. You have done yours by this pieace of work. More grace sir


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