Have you ever tried to help and suddenly found out that you were the one that ended up crying for help?
It could be so annoying to think that the one that you perceive needs money from you is actually richer than you by many degrees. It happens all day and the people that seem to need help are the ones that seemingly do not appreciate the very help they seek.
It will make more sense if I illustrate deeper.
Imagine you asked someone over,

you have prepared your best dish and given to the fellow in one of your special casseroles or plates, hoping that you were helping a needy one. The moment the meal is over, the fellow now tells you that he/she will be taking the plate home? Did I hear you say what!?

You encounter an accident and decide to stop and rush the victims to a hospital. After spending like God-knows-how-long in the hospital getting cards and following the protocols (for people you do not even know) the victims turn round to ask you to pay the bills and help them finish the journey they started
You decide to accommodate a complete stranger because your friend asked your help. You didn’t want to let him down so you agreed. The stranger then builds his nest in yours and many nights you come back to sleep, he is already asleep without even considering who has the mattress or bed and then funny enough, till the semester ends you have to accommodate a bunkmate that came as a one night help.
 You borrow someone your laptop and hoping that the work that has to be done will be done in a day or two and your computer will be returned to you, only for you to notice that you have been without your computer for weeks and the person keeps giving excuses of time to bring it over or something coming up every now and then
You are fond of letting your visitors go to your fridge and take drinks and stuff and then one day due to familiarity or whatever could be, one goes to pick and consume something that you kept for a special occasion.
You go to honour an out-of-town wedding, not for the couple but for a friend that asked you to come, then you see yourself either playing a key role or being a mastermind for a wedding that was actually planned even without you on the guest list.
You go to the extent of borrowing a car just to take a good number of your friends out and despite the car  you borrowed, you end up being the one to sponsor their appetites that night and drop them off in their individual houses before you being to fathom how to return the car and hug your empty pockets.
You decide to join a fellowship, not because you see a good reason why you should but for the mere fact that you have to socialize and be somewhere, then from the blues, you are been asked to lead the fellowship in one engaging capacity or the other.
You go to visit a school mate in the hospital and your intention of being brief transforms to you being the only person that has to care for him throughout the day and even have to keep vigil at night over him, taking note that you never even planned to spend the day.
…I could go on and on and on
What you have read above may sound like stories or impossibilities but they are life stories that I have encountered personally.
So many experiences we have in life are actually beyond our plans and provisions but with a little enlargement of heart we can overlook a lot and go beyond ourselves.
You never know how much you can bear until you bear another’s burden. You never can tell how much you can endure until tested by life circumstances. You never can tell how deep you are until you are dug.
No matter how bad it gets, no matter how complex the case is, always remember that what you do for your fellow man you do for yourself indirectly.
The pressure and demand may be beyond the man on the outside but it can never be beyond the God on the man’s inside.
When the pressure rises, switch mode to “internal” and you will find out that in that mode, nothing is beyond the man….For greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. selah

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