I was running late for a meeting this morning when I got a call. It was from a lady. The caller ID wasn’t displayed meaning I didn’t have it stored on my roving Nokia Torchlight phone. The moment I gave my official response “Hello, Goodmorning”, the caller broke the official code and began to joke. I couldn’t bear to ask who I was speaking with so I tried to decode the voice and I did. She went on and on, being thankful that I finally picked her call. I gave as many lame but true reasons as I could ascribe to my recent silence and incommunicado attitude.

She went on to ask that I shouldn’t forget to visit her on the 14th. May be you didn’t get that right because I also didn’t the first time she said it. She was asking that I should be around on Valentine’s day. Oh my goodness! Did someone just ask me out? Did I just get an invite to be someone’s val? My very first invitation for a valentine’s day out? Wow! Just wow!
I have never had the urge to be

 a crowd member, no matter what the occasion may be. I never really valued Val’s day, may be due to the fact that everyone I knew was all so hyped about the so called Lover’s Day. This year however, seems to be different. I wasn’t asking out. I was asked out. I was so humbled, I felt like I mattered to somebody. I kept thinking all day why she had to ask me. Then it dawned on me that Love is all we truly owe. Not cash, not kind, not else. Just Love!
Maybe you haven’t glimpsed my viewpoint yet. A little about the lady that asked me out might help…
This lady is one that is so homely; she knows what it means to be a wife-material…for better, for worse kind-of-thing. She has a heart that is so motherly you wish for nothing better. Her emotions are so on point, she couldn’t hurt a fly, she was selfless, sacrificial, loving and above all, she was strong in her own way. She has lived all her adult life in a country away from her true home, yet you couldn’t tell unless you came close. I felt no pressure whenever I was around her except that I wish I were financially more stable than I am. I hope you see my point now but I will buttress it further…
She is a lady of not less than 50 years, a wife of 35 years and a mother of five (5) full grown adults. Her husband has selflessly toiled for our country Nigeria having left his home country, Ghana many, many years back. His toil produced me and many of my kind back then in primary school for he was our teacher. Our unforgettable teacher. He was an epitome of excellence and hard work fused with discipline and dedication. He was what we would safely and confidently call: a foundation layer. He dug us out and laid us strong. He was someone we owed our all to.
He remained his instrumental self until ill health began to ravage his body and after many years of fighting the disease, he died. Mrs. Danso’s husband died on the day that lover’s thrilled one another to the tune of love. He died on the 14thFebruary last year. My Val date is a Widow
He could have chosen not to part that way or would have chosen another day if it were in his power. He died on a day that would always remind his family of his passing. Mr. Danso gave Valentine another meaning. One that comes with mixed feelings. His death redefined the Val., I have come to know. I wonder how it is for those he left behind.
I feel strongly that this Val shouldn’t be passed as one likened to the others gone. I urge that we should all step out and show true love, void of all erotic tendencies, you do not have to spend all the borrowed cash or become a financial stripper because you must prove a point. You could pay an unexpected visit or schedule a surprise contact with someone who may not have ever felt special before. You could just go out of your way to make someone cherished. 
It should be understood that we do not a special day to do all that, but since the world has developed a liking for occasions like this, then lets chance on this and make that day unforgettable for someone or some people, could be family, colleague, children, loved ones, neighbours or even strangers. Whatever you do, make sure that you are someone’s Val. Make sure of it. As special as you would want to feel, make another feel so. It’s a profitable investment.  
Val’s day is not all about making lovers feel loved or a chance to date someone new. Everyday should be an opportunity to show love, especially to those who truly yearn for it.
 I look forward to valentine’s day because I have an invite. I have a date. Do you have a date yourself? If not go out and get one.  
Remember you do not need money to show love, you do not need a special environment, you already have all you need, your humble self, you true expression of love, you could say it, or show it, call it or text it. However it goes ,make sure someone FEELS you for real.
You have a week to be set. So prepare to go out and show love, true selfless love!
Be someone’s TRUE VAL.
and do drop your comments. Many thanks


  • Quite a Good read. Love is universal and is not bounded by time, location or positional advantage. Without bias Love freely Given does wonders both to the giver the receiver. Valentine just happens to be a day tagged with LOVE by a majority of the world and sharing Love will have a similar effect as it being shared even on other days.

  • hmmmm. i love your flows. thanks man


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