SON:    Lord  I need a child
GOD:    I know you do but what makes you think you need a child
SON:    You said, children are a delight to parents
GOD:    I know that,I am a father myself but do you think a child would make you happier
SON:    Yes,I know so
GOD:    Why do you need a child?
SON: All my agemates that are married have children, I love children, I want to train up my children, lord even if I don’t have a reason, it is not bad to have a child, its natural
GOD:    To you it is natural but every child is a miracle, I fit each one with a unique finger print, a voice patter, a DNA, a different look, a set of genes and above all, a promise of my spirit…how natural is your natural?
GOD:    What you seek is a spiritual miracle displayed as a natural process. When you ask me for a miracle give me reasons that would enable me not hold back
GOD:    I am spirit, if you must worship me…do so in spirit and in truth.
GOD:    I would give you a child but not for your reasons, for mine, not in your time but in mine.
GOD:    Relax and enjoy all you’ve got. Enjoy ME now before distractions come.
SON:    You know best, O Lord. Your will and not mine be done. Amen
GOD: That’s my child.

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